Canning & Clyde Road Residents Association





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East Croydon Gateway Site

Position as at 23 October 2006

It is not just our association that is becoming increasingly alarmed at Croydon Council's steamroller wish to see a 12,500 seat arena by the side of East Croydon Station.

Representatives from five local residents associations and The Croydon Society met recently. The outcome was this open letter to the Leader of Croydon Council.

By email
Cllr Mike Fisher, Leader of the Council
c/o Town Hall, Katharine Street
Croydon CR0 1NX

C: Cllr Tim Pollard, Cabinet Member for Finance and Regeneration
C: Cllr Christopher Wright, Cabinet Member for Planning, Environment & Urban Development
C: Cllrs for Addiscombe and Fairfield Wards
C: Andrew Pelling MP 2 October 2006

Dear Mike

East Croydon Gateway Developments / Arena Scheme

Following a meeting of representatives from five local residents associations and the Croydon Society, we jointly write this open letter to make you fully aware of our thoughts on this matter. Collectively our five residents associations represent some 4,330 households in East Croydon.

First, we urge the Council without delay to make up its mind which development should proceed at this important site. We all wish to see a sustainable development - one that is not detrimental to surrounding areas and that will have a positive effect on central Croydon.

Second, we have serious concerns about a large, flexible use arena scheme at the Gateway site - in particular transport issues, which impact upon the viability of the scheme. Despite previous requests for detailed information about how large numbers of people will travel to and from events, we have basically been fobbed off with statements such as it is too complex for us to understand. We are stunned that there is no 'plain English' management transport overview that must underpin any viable business plan for this 12,500 seat arena scheme.

We need to know the plans for moving the large numbers of people who - we are told - will attend the events at the arena, and in particular the breakdown between those who might come by public transport and those who might come by car. These estimates need to be based on well-founded research. After all people cannot be compelled to travel by train or park in expensive car parks - and if people are deterred from using their chosen method of transport through cost or inconvenience, then they will seek alternative entertainment. Without information about the transport plan, we cannot assess the impact of the arena scheme on our areas and will continue to oppose it.

Third, we are appalled that the Council contractually no longer requires the arena developer, Arrowcroft, to provide it with a viability assessment report soundly based upon the judgement of possible operators of the arena and of likely promoters of events. Why is the business plan no longer required? There is concern about the consequences on Croydon's taxpayers and the environment if the arena fails to attract suitable income and is then closed down.

We look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely

Steve Collins (Chairman)

Canning & Clyde Road Residents Association

Mira Armour (Chair) Norman Young (Membership Secretary)

H.O.M.E. Residents Association

Gillian Appleby (Chairman)

Morland Park Estate Residents Association

John Ingman (Chair)

Park Hill Residents Association

Gerry Meredith-Smith (Chairman )

Whitgift Estate Residents Association

Geoffrey Myers (Chairman)

The Croydon Society


We received this reply that, as you can see, does not answer our questions. What is going on?

Reply received from Mike Fisher in his letter of 23 October 2006

We have acknowledged this letter (11 November 2006) saying we look forward to seeing the transport report.



We met with representatives of Arrowcroft in September. Click here to see notes of the meeting.

Arrowcroft have sent us a copy of the project Design Statement and Design Summary. If you would like to see these, please contact us.

Stanhope Schroders

Are holding an update on Monday 16 October, 4.30 pm at the Warehouse Theatre, Dingwall Road. To reserve a seat phone 020 7170 1625 or email

Link to Background Information on East Croydon Gateway

