Canning & Clyde Road Residents Association





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Local Neighbourhood Watch

We are a Neighbourhood Watch area. Basically this means if you see or learn of anything dubious but non emergency in our locality, report it to your road co-ordinator. If you have email, just email Pete Langdon and Fathima Zara are our reps.

The Neighbourhood Watch is all about prevention through alerting. You will shortly see signs going up on lamp posts and we do have window stickers and information packs for those of you who have already subscribed. If you have not already subscribed and would like to join the Watch, then just let us know. It is of course free. So that we can alert you of any dangers, it would be good if we could have your email address. Email is so quick and does not cost us anything. If you don't have email then of course we will inform you of things as quickly as we are able.

Living in a Neighbourhood Watch area means that a number of companies will provide a discount on home contents insurance.

Link for latest crime information and alerts.


